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RTA Standard For Bond Cleaning

The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) has developed a Bond Cleaning Checklist that outlines the standards expected for bond cleaning in Queensland, Australia. The checklist is based on the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 and the Residential Tenancies Authority's (RTA's) Bond Claim Process.

The bond cleaning checklist includes a list of tasks that must be completed before a tenant vacates a rental property, including:

  • Cleaning all surfaces, including walls, floors, and ceilings
  • Cleaning all windows and window tracks
  • Cleaning all cupboards, drawers, and wardrobes
  • Cleaning all appliances, including ovens, stovetops, and range hoods
  • Cleaning all light fittings and ceiling fans
  • Cleaning all bathroom fixtures, including showers, baths, toilets, and basins
  • Cleaning all internal doors and door handles
  • Cleaning all skirting boards and architraves
  • Removing all cobwebs
  • Removing all rubbish from the property

The RTA recommends that tenants hire a professional bond cleaner to ensure that all tasks are completed to a high standard and to avoid disputes with the property owner or agent. It is important for tenants to keep receipts and documentation of the bond cleaning work to provide evidence if a dispute arises.

It is also important for tenants to communicate with the property owner or agent about any issues or concerns they have about the bond cleaning process. Tenants should try to resolve any issues or disputes before the bond claim process begins to avoid delays in the release of their bond.

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